Build relationships with your customers through Conversational Commerce experience on Instagram

Marina Hudek
February 8, 2022
min read

We are excited to announce the launch of Rocket.Chat’s Instagram Direct App, enabling businesses to integrate their Instagram Business account with our Omnichannel solution. 

The new integration helps businesses build relationships with customers, facilitating a conversational commerce experience in Instagram DM and providing a single omnichannel platform for the various consumer touchpoints.

Why is Instagram ideal to connect with your customers

Instagram continues to grow as one of the most popular social media platforms, and the data tells us that it’s not going to change anytime soon. A Statista forecast from October 2020 estimates that there would be nearly 1.2 billion Instagram users worldwide in 2023.

90% of people on Instagram follow businesses and decide whether to buy a product or service, meaning that businesses have an excellent opportunity to increase their visibility and connect with their customers without spending large sums of money.

We see Instagram keeps building up its capabilities for businesses; at the same time, consumers increasingly rely on messaging apps for all forms of communication. This creates an opportunity for businesses to embrace conversational commerce (c-commerce), thus providing a better customer experience and winning more sales.

People chat with businesses for a wide range of reasons. When asked where they engage in c-commerce, half of the buyers say they do so primarily through social media and messaging platforms. 90% of consumers engage in c-commerce on Facebook platforms (Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, or Instagram).

When commerce is conversational, satisfaction goes up. However, consumers expect businesses to answer quickly and provide helpful responses. If businesses are not responding to their customers, they’re not only failing to build customer loyalty, but they’re also missing out on a considerable number of potential sales.

How to step up your customer service approach on Instagram with Rocket.Chat

Integrating Instagram Business with an omnichannel customer service solution such as Rocket.Chat allows businesses to handle multiple inquiries from a single easy-to-use interface via human or chatbot assistance, making the customer support team’s job much easier and improving customer experience.

⚡️ Stay on top of all DMs with a unified inbox

Boost team productivity while ensuring they respond to every customer message. 

⚡️ Engage in personalized conversations

Exchange informative files and images, voice messages, share GIFs.

⚡️ Sell directly, support immediately

Help and assist customers all the time, anytime; delight customers and win their loyalty for the long term.

⚡️ Speed up support with chatbot automation

Automate FAQs and save agents’ time for conversations that require human interaction.

"Instagram Direct enables your CX team to go beyond typical customer support activities to really engage with them, even offer recommendations while they’re shopping.”

Renato Becker, Omnichannel Product Manager at Rocket.Chat

4 steps to add the app to your Rocket.Chat workspace

Instagram Direct app integration is available with Rocket.Chat's Enterprise edition.

  1. Activate the Instagram Direct app on the Marketplace 
  2. Follow the wizard steps to connect your Instagram Business Account with Rocket.Chat
  3. Set up teams responsible for handling messages
  4. You're all set. Start interacting with your customers on Instagram from within Rocket.Chat

Still not using Rocket.Chat?

Find out more about the new app on Instagram Direct page

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Head of Product Marketing at Rocket.Chat. Marina keeps our readers informed about the latest Rocket.Chat product news & improvements.
Marina Hudek
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