Rocket.Chat is proud to announce a new release of Rocket.Chat, version 0.71.Highlights and breaking changes include:
- Update room's lastMessage property and convert the starred property to the same format (#12266)
- Add expiration date to API login tokens and fix duplicate login tokens created by LDAP (#12186)
Starred property and lastMessage property now share the same format
The room's lastMessage property was not being updated when reactions were added to the message. From this release onwards, every time the last message receives a reaction, it will send an update of the room's object, thus it should not break anything and simply send the room updates more often.
Expiration date added to API login tokens and duplicate login tokens fixed
The session tokens created by an API login were not defining an expiration date that would have allowed users to use the returned token for integrations, bots, etc., without worrying about the token being expired. This change means the API login will now generate a normal session token with an expiration date, and if you need a persistent token it is henceforth possible to define them at My Account > Personal Access Token or via API-specific methods http://wordpress.rocket.chat/docs/developer-guides/rest-api/users/generatepersonalaccesstoken/ Any token already created via API login will not be changed to carry an expiration date, only the new ones will be affected.
New Features
- sidenav size on large screens (#12372)
- PDF message attachment preview (client side rendering) (#10519 by @kb0304)
- Add help wanted section to Readme (#12432)
- Allow the imports to accept any file type (#12425)
Bug Fixes
- Slack importer: image previews not showing (#11875 by @madguy02)
- users.register endpoint to not create a user if username is already being used (#12297)
- Last message not updating after message delete if show deleted status is on (#12350)
0.71.1 Fixes
- Email sending with GDPR user data #12487
Thanks to our Lead Engineer Diego Sampaio for his help on this bug fix.
Thank you all for helping us on this release!
Release changelog
For a full list of features added and bugs fixed, please see the Rocket.Chat 0.71 and 0.71.1 release changelogs on GitHub.
Frequently asked questions about <anything>
- Digital sovereignty
- Federation capabilities
- Scalable and white-labeled
- Highly scalable and secure
- Full patient conversation history
- HIPAA-ready
- Secure data governance and digital sovereignty
- Trusted by State, Local, and Federal agencies across the world
- Matrix federation capabilities for cross-agency communication
- Open source code
- Highly secure and scalable
- Unmatched flexibility
- End-to-end encryption
- Cloud or on-prem deployment
- Supports compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, FINRA, and more
- Supports compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, FINRA, and more
- Highly secure and flexible
- On-prem or cloud deployment