Why you should embed a chat widget on your website in 2024

Sara Ana Cemazar
October 10, 2023
min read

Gone are the days when customers rummaged through websites to find business contact details or jotted down email addresses and phone numbers to reach out. The strategy to embed chat widgets has elegantly streamlined this process, emerging not merely as a modern touch but as a prevailing standard in digital communication.

According to Freshworks, over 41% of customers now expect a live chat widget on websites, showcasing a significant shift in user preferences. This expectation isn't just about convenience; it's also about efficiency. Enterprises have quickly caught on and for good reasons. 

By incorporating conversational chatbots, businesses have optimized their cost efficiency, slashing their service costs by up to 30%. 

The figures don't lie: to embed chat widgets is not just about staying relevant. It's about optimizing operations and enhancing user experience. If your enterprise isn't on board yet, 2024 is the time.

What is an embedded chat?

An embedded chat is a feature integrated directly into a website, allowing visitors to communicate in real time without leaving the page. Think of it as a digital reception desk: as you browse an online store, a small chat window pops up, offering assistance. So instead of switching apps or making a call, you can ask questions or seek help immediately. 

Embed chat ensures immediate interaction, elevating user experience. Whether a customer asking about a product's specifics or a client seeking technical support, embedded chats deliver instant, seamless communication, making websites more engaging and responsive.

3 reasons why you need a live chat on your website

A live chat on your website isn't just a feature; it's a direct bridge to your customers. Here are 3 compelling reasons why embed chat is a must-have for contemporary businesses.

1. Increased customer satisfaction

When visitors land on your website, they often have questions, concerns, or feedback. What if they could get their answers immediately? Embed chat serves precisely that purpose.

  • Easy and Direct Engagement: 42% of customers prefer live chat, vastly outnumbering those preferring email at 23% or social media and forums at 16%. Why? Live chat offers a direct, hassle-free channel, instantly connecting users with businesses.
  • Self-Service Through Chatbot Support: Chatbots, with their 24/7 presence, have fundamentally changed customer support. An impressive 69% of consumers are inclined to use chatbots for self-service. Their ability to handle routine tasks like addressing FAQs or collecting feedback means businesses can save billions of hours – in fact, by 2023, chatbots are estimated to save businesses up to 2.5 billion work hours.
  • Swift and Efficient Responses: Time is of the essence in customer service. A whopping 59% of customers expect a chatbot to respond within just 5 seconds. Given their automated nature, chatbots don't keep users waiting, boasting response rates as high as 40% - notably higher than traditional methods like email.
  • Round-the-Clock Support: It's 2 AM, and your international client has a query. No worries! Consumers recognize the immense value of 24/7 chatbot availability, emphasizing how continuous service significantly elevates user satisfaction levels.

2. Brand alignment

Embed chat is not just a tool; it's a reflection of your brand's promise. When customers use a smooth chat system, they see a brand as modern, attentive, and customer-focused. It offers a consistent touchpoint, ensuring that every interaction, from query resolution to feedback collection, aligns with the brand's voice and ethos.

3. Boosting conversions and sales

Every potential customer has questions. By offering real-time answers through embedded chat, businesses directly influence purchasing decisions. Think about a user on the fence about a product – a timely chat intervention can provide clarity, pushing them towards a purchase.

This immediate, personalized engagement drives incremental sales and makes your live chat a revenue-enhancing powerhouse. Besides, studies state that live chat leads to a 48% increase in revenue per chat hour and a 40% increase in conversion rate.

Looking to embed chat apps? Here are our top picks

Choosing the right embedded chat tool can transform your online user experience. Here are the standout chat apps to explore in 2024, ensuring real-time, efficient communication with your visitors.

1. Rocket.Chat

embed chat

Rocket.Chat is a flexible open source chat app that gives you numerous opportunities to embed a chat on your website. Its Chat Engine provides a set of APIs for developers to work with and deploy a highly customized solution to your website or within your product.

Additional advantage of Rocket.Chat are its superior security features which make it one of the best chat apps to use in highly-regulated industries.

Key Features

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2. Chatango

Chatango offers a dynamic embedded chat solution tailored for websites, focusing on fostering lively group conversations while ensuring clean interactions. This chat app seamlessly integrates into any site, providing a platform where communities can engage in real time.

Key Features

  • Advanced machine text analysis for clean conversations.
  • Granular moderator permissions for enhanced control.
  • Multiple form factors like Box, Ticker, and Tab.
  • Efficiently handles traffic surges and user message rate limits.
  • Optimized for mobiles, tablets, and desktops.

3. Freshchat

embed chat

With the evolving demands of digital communication, Freshchat emerges as a forefront solution, offering AI-powered bots and live chat across diverse messaging channels. Seamlessly blending with your website, this tool transforms the customer experience, facilitating immediate engagement and support.

Key Features

  • AI-driven, intuitive customer interactions.
  • Round-the-clock support availability.
  • Tailored chat widget to mirror your brand.
  • Engage passive visitors with timely messages.
  • Directly integrated FAQ for swift user assistance.

4. Tawk.to

Tawk.to is a powerful and free chat platform that makes embedding chat on your website effortless. From live chat to ticketing and a comprehensive knowledge base, it ensures that your customers always have a direct line to you.

Key Features

  • Embed chat effortlessly on your site.
  • Monitor customer activity in real time.
  • Customizable Knowledge Base for easy information sharing.
  • Collaborate and assign team conversations.
  • Premium features without the premium price.

5. Zendesk

embed chat

Zendesk offers a seamless way to embed chat into websites and mobile apps, connecting businesses with customers on web, mobile, and social platforms. Ensuring no message goes unnoticed, it transforms interactions into continuous and efficient conversations.

Key Features

  • Easily embed chat on the web and mobile.
  • Integrate with Facebook and Twitter for unified ticketing.
  • Ensure ongoing conversations across platforms.
  • Never miss a customer message.
  • Free trial with full access to cloud software.

6. Intercom

Intercom revolutionizes customer relationships with its Business Messenger, allowing businesses to communicate with clients both live and later. Ensuring continuity, It emphasizes that no conversation is lost, offering a blend of bots, apps, and in-app messages to intensify customer engagement.

Key Features

  • Embed chat directly in products for instant help.
  • Preserve chat history across all devices.
  • Enhance interactions with bots, apps, and in-app messages.
  • Manage multiple chats via a unified Inbox.
  • Ensure high CSAT scores even with increased customer volume.

7. Tidio

embed chat

Tidio provides a real-time chat platform designed to streamline customer interactions. With its integrated tools, you can promptly address queries, assist visitors in their shopping journey, and manage conversations efficiently.

Key Features

  • Embed chat directly, offering instant, real-time support.
  • Consolidate communications with One Shared Inbox for emails, Messenger, and more.
  • Customize your chat widget to seamlessly fit your website.
  • Rapidly respond using ready-to-send replies for common inquiries.
  • View customer's live typing preview to anticipate needs even faster.

8. Nextiva

Nextiva's live chat ensures every customer enjoys a swift and seamless experience. Offering real-time interactions, this embed chat tool boosts efficiency, addressing customer issues promptly and enhancing overall productivity.

Key Features

  • Embed chat for integrated website communication.
  • Utilize shortcuts for quick, consistent replies.
  • Internal collaboration enhances agent efficiency.
  • Monitor with detailed chat reports.
  • Convert conversations to support cases effortlessly.

9. Olark

embed chat

With Olark, enhancing your website's communication becomes a breeze. Customize your chat widget, reflecting your brand's unique style and ensuring smooth interactions every time.

Key Features

  • Easily embed chat on your site for seamless connectivity.
  • Tailor color and design options to match your brand.
  • Choose the perfect size & position for the chat widget.
  • Opt for advanced customizations, including non-branded appearance.
  • Dive deeper with the Javascript API for comprehensive adjustments.

10. Chatra

Chatra powers meaningful conversations on your website, ensuring you stay connected with visitors. As part of the Brevo family, it integrates seamlessly with email, Instagram, and Facebook, optimizing every touchpoint.

Key Features

  • Embed chat effortlessly for real-time visitor interactions.
  • Centralize communication with a multichannel dashboard.
  • Monitor real-time visitor activity and personalize interactions.
  • Enhance efficiency with chatbots for routine tasks.
  • Stay connected on the go with Chatra mobile apps.

Looking for a secure chat widget?

If one of your main requirements for a live chat is security and flexibility, look no further!

Rocket.Chat is an open source chat app that allows advanced customization options.

Learn more about our products: Chat Engine and Live Chat, or reach our to our team for more info.

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Sara is an SEO Strategist at Rocket.Chat. She is passionate about topics around digital transformation, workplace experience, open source, and data privacy and security.
Sara Ana Cemazar
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Want to collaborate securely with your team?
Deploy Rocket.Chat on-premise or in the cloud and keep your conversations private.
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Looking for a HIPAA-ready communications platform?
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The #1 communications platform for government
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Want to customize Rocket.Chat according to your own preferences?
See behind the engine and change the code how you see fit.
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  • Unmatched flexibility
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Looking for a secure collaboration platform?
Keep your conversations private while enjoying a seamless collaboration experience with Rocket.Chat.
  • End-to-end encryption
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  • Supports compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, FINRA, and more
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Want to build a highly secure in-app chat experience?
Use Rocket.Chat’s APIs, frameworks, and managed backend to build a secure in-app or live chat experience for your customers.
  • Supports compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, FINRA, and more
  • Highly secure and flexible
  • On-prem or cloud deployment
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