Asynchronous communication: the power booster in your company

Lucia Fallavena
November 9, 2020
min read

In a single paragraph, we can describe the painfully complex morning routine of many workers without a team collaboration platform: You turn on the computer, open the email and connect to Whatsapp, Messenger, Telegram or Skype. Then you read incoming messages, open Google Calendar and access the first meeting of the day on Zoom. While waiting for the video call, you reply to chat notifications.

Have you noticed? In one paragraph we have more than five different communication platforms. That's probably the reason why asynchronous communication has become a part of the business vocabulary. 

This post will show you why asynchronous communication, when combined with the right team collaboration platform, can increase your company's efficiency.

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Freedom to reply when you're available: Say hello to asynchronous communication ??

Asynchronous communication is basically the type of communication where the receiver of the message responds only when they are available, which usually occurs when we communicate via email or messaging apps.

Synchronous communication, on the other hand, implies communicating with synchrony (e.g. live conversations, over the phone, face-to-face or online meetings). The problem? Constant communication can be tiring and counterproductive.

The publication “Collaborative Overload” states that employees spend around 80% of their working hours answering calls, messages and participating in meetings, which leaves very little time for daily tasks. That's where asynchronous communications comes into the picture.

Being online is different than being available

People have always communicated asynchronously in their personal lives. However, this communication format gained popularity because of a simple aspect: it distinguishes being online from being available. By doing so, asynchronous communication increases the productivity and efficiency of high-performance teams because it reduces interruptions in remote work.

The study “Interruptions At Work Are Killing Your Productivity” by Mark Murphy and was published in Forbes, states that more than 71% of employees recognize that they experience frequent interruptions during their working hours, disrupting the pace of work and affecting their ability to concentrate on priority tasks. These interruptions include messages coming through email, WhatsApp, Telegram, video conferencing requests...

Benefits of asynchronous communication for your company's growth

RescueTime, a productivity software, recently shared that people who are remote workers and adhere to asynchronous communication have an average of 58 hours more focused on their main tasks. Their study showed that people tend to spend 256 less hours in communication when they use tools that allow them to do asynchronous communication. Besides productivity, some other benefits are:

  • Greater capacity for self-management and organization of the employees;
  • Communication records that can be accessed at any time;
  • Fewer distractions and greater control over the workday;
  • Effective communication of teams distributed worldwide.
Men looking to an open window while he workes remotely
Working remotely can be a challenge to productivity, which is why companies are investing in asynchronous communication tools

Chats, files, video calls, and much more on a single platform: we have the answer

With Rocket.Chat's team collaboration platform, you can have your entire workplace centralized on a single place. This means you’re able to manage your team, projects and discussions quickly and avoid the extra work and time spent on numerous and different communication platforms. Also, team members' dismissal or relocation is no longer a problem: Rocket.Chat saves chat history, so the information will always be available to your company.

Alongside asynchronous communication, Rocket.Chat has boosted the daily productivity of 12M+ users of all kinds of companies worldwide. Try it today!

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Lucia Fallavena
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